Monday, November 21, 2005

For the Man I Love

I am not the overly-emotional sappy type, I keep my feelings pretty under-wraps, but I think some things just need to be said. This is a really big thankyou, to my Fiancé for his love and for his support. Without him, life would be a lot harder than it is. Over the last few weeks, he has worked his socks off, looked after me when I've been ill, helped around the house, spoiled me rotten and been there for me when I've really needed a hug. He is always there to talk to, when I just need a friend, and he is there as my companion and soulmate too. We don't always get on, and with my fiery fiesty temperament we do sometimes bicker, but however much we've yelled at each other, we always kiss and make-up in the end. Through my dark days, through my troubles he has always come through, and doesn't give it a second thought.

He is a domestic god when it comes to tidying things (I clean, he tidies) and doing the washing up. He helps whenever he's around, and although he's been really worked off his feet with all the overtime, he still managed to help me make a gorgeous meal last night, and then went to wash up without being asked. He made the kitchen look all sparkly afterwards, too :-)

It is amazing how profound an effect the smallest things can have on someone. But for me, he is everything I want in a man and more besides. Love is this new, wonderful thing when it first hits you, but that love evolves over time. It changes so much, it grows, it doesn't die. It may not be so fiery, but it is always there. To me, that is the real sustaining love. The stuff that keeps people together, keeps people going through thick and thin. Yesterday really highlighted this for me. Given a hypothetical situation, of having to choose between his other love; computing and me, he said he'd give up everything for me. I hope, given the same situation, I'd do the same for him :-)

So, to my Fiancé, you know who you are, this is for you. This is a big hug, and a big thankyou, for keeping me going through good and bad. I love you all the more for it. One day, when we're old and wrinkly, I can still see us holding hands in our home, just the same as now.


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Location: United Kingdom

An avid tea-drinker who likes Nutmeg in her coffee and warm lavender-scented quilts. She knits, crochets and partakes in random acts of craftiness (and kindness). She can often be found outside, in the garden with her faithful doggy companion, and a cup of tea. Reading is a pasttime that she enjoys muchly, so too is moving furniture around. She writes haiku about nettles, would like to swim with seals and become completely self-sufficient.

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