Friday, October 28, 2005

A Month of Many Rainbows

October has always been very significant for me. It is a month when the year is starting to noticably come to an end. The life that was once so vivid all around us is now starting to wane, and prepare for the long, hard winter ahead. I love Autumn, the colours of the falling leaves, the cool evenings and the horse-chestnuts on the ground amongst the fallen leaves. It is the last little push before the end of the year, before everything goes into hibernation. Luckily for us, this October has been incredibly mild, albeit damp. I have loved getting out and doing, taking photographs of every colour, hues fantastic.

I took the mutt out for a walk the other day, it had been raining on and off all day. There had been rainbows from every direction at various points through the day. Just as we set foot outside the door, the rain started again. It poured the more we walked. But undeterred by this (and, at this point, rather enjoying myself) we carried on and went for a long walk around the fields behind our house. Although it was raining, the sun was still brightly shining, creating the most otherworldly atmosphere. I looked above me, only to see the most beautiful, clear and enormous rainbow. I stood in awe at the sight, as the dog continued to run around my feet. After a few minutes, two paler rainbows one outside and one inside the main rainbow appeared, it was magical. Although by then I was soaked, the dog was soaked, and my feet were sinking, I was rooted to the spot for what felt like forever. It was as if time itself stopped. I followed the arc of the rainbow, with my eyes, to its end, which was amazingly hovering over the top of our house. I knew then, that I was home.

Funnily enough, the last time I saw as many rainbows, was in October 2002 - I managed a whopping 20 (there were more but I couldn't keep track of so many) on one single car-journey lasting only 30 minutes. I had never seen so many in my life, and I knew then, that what I had witnessed was incredibly special. It signalled the start of something new, which coincidentally, happened around the same time.

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[A rainbow from a window]


Blogger Miss Robyn said...

I love rainbows - love this post !!! thanks :)

Sunday, 30 October, 2005  

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Location: United Kingdom

An avid tea-drinker who likes Nutmeg in her coffee and warm lavender-scented quilts. She knits, crochets and partakes in random acts of craftiness (and kindness). She can often be found outside, in the garden with her faithful doggy companion, and a cup of tea. Reading is a pasttime that she enjoys muchly, so too is moving furniture around. She writes haiku about nettles, would like to swim with seals and become completely self-sufficient.

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