Thursday, February 01, 2007

An hour a day

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That is my new 'resolution', my challenge, to do an hours actual gardening a day, weather permitting, and if it's wet and cold, I'll do an hour's indoor planning instead. I feel more alive now than I have done for ages, and it's so good (I won't mention the strained muscles and rushes of blood to the head!).

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I love these mild days, for the first time in what seems like an age the heating hasn't been on at all (barring an hour in the morning) and yesterday I flung the windows open to embrace the warm wind and hung washing out on the line (yes, it was January ~ and I've done the same today!). Although this warm weather has its downsides, today I saw a honeybee trying to find a home, awoken by the impossibly warm weather, it has no sources of food bar the few wallflowers that have started to flower.

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As I dug the ground, and went through the now-feral soil for bits of brick (a habitual problem, and those bits of brick are sharp), I found wonderous worms and 5-inch long nails in the soil, snail shells and a growing avocado stone (anyone would think we're in Tahiti rather than Northumberland!).

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And when I found wonderous worms, I hid them quickly, lest the robin should eat all of my garden helpers! I am in an ethical minefield when it comes to this prey/predator dilemma, but I take the prey's side and hide them, and if the robin finds the worm, then it's not my fault (equalling clear conscience!)! Our robins are friendly and sit on the fence watching, or doing as one did yesterday and hopping into our compost bin (I'd left the lid off) and eating some of the many bugs habitating in there!

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I got the bed we'd dug over on Saturday levelled and then covered it with some tarpaulin we found in the garden - weighed down with an old fence panel! The dog enjoyed herself no end as you can see by the pink ball, one of her favourite toys. She loves the freedom of running up and down the garden, something she never tires of (and chasing cats, I don't mind that).

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The sky today was spectacular too, pure blue with high cirrus clouds, making for a rather lovely day. I have this theory that true, real happiness can only be found when doing hard work, especially when it's close to nature. I feel this in the garden more than ever, and it's an amazing feeling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being outdoors certainly does make you feel alive doesn't it.

I love your postings - and am so ejoying watching your progress

Thursday, 01 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been gardening too, it's been a wonderful day hasn't it? There was a large bumble bee around and,likeyou,I worry about what will happen if the weather turns really cold again. Rowan

Thursday, 01 February, 2007  

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Location: United Kingdom

An avid tea-drinker who likes Nutmeg in her coffee and warm lavender-scented quilts. She knits, crochets and partakes in random acts of craftiness (and kindness). She can often be found outside, in the garden with her faithful doggy companion, and a cup of tea. Reading is a pasttime that she enjoys muchly, so too is moving furniture around. She writes haiku about nettles, would like to swim with seals and become completely self-sufficient.

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