Wednesday, December 06, 2006

tripping the light fantastic

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We all have our little obsessions, don't we? Interests that, well, interest us and pique our desires to learn more. Well this time of year is what makes the rest of the year fade into oblivion. This is definitely my 'golden quarter', between Halloween and New Year, there are so many things to see and do. The nights are darker and colder and everything changes. I go from light fish dishes, quiches and the salads that mark summer, to hearty soups, lasagnes and stews which mean utter comfort and security. My thoughts are instantly catapulted to glittery lights, christmas music and the writing of christmas cards. Instantly, almost over night, I too change. On the first of December my only thoughts are of family, togetherness and how ecstatic I'll be when we finally have our tree.

The run up to the big day itself is the best bit, when I was a child it was always christmas day that I loved the most. But now I find myself looking at bright, twinkly lights, seasonal music from Elton John to Frank Sinatra to Slade, the smells of cinnamon, orange and pine with my favourite thing, the smell of tinsel. In my advancing years (!) this hasn't diminished in the slightest, it has, if anything intensified. But now it is the whole of December that holds the promise of a new year, new light and new things to be discovered. It also brings with it the passing of age and the changes and responsibilities. In less than a month, I will be what is generally deemed "fully adult". Exciting? Yes. Scary? Oh yeah!

And today was the first proper day that I felt christmas all around me. Going to the xmas-tree shop, finding my ecologically-friendly* Nordmann fir that has become our tradition, and smelling the smells of all the pines around and finally becoming excited. The thought of having to wait a day longer than necessary - too much to bare! So tomorrow afternoon, in the rain and gales that are promised to this way blow, a christmas tree will be arriving just for us, and I just can't wait! The decorations are in their boxes, still beautifully wrapped, hand-blown cut-glass baubles and the lights... the lights!

I was going to start this post explaining (if that's possible) my fascination with christmas lights. My mother-in-law would tut and roll her eyes at me, thinking this was a superficial addiction to all-things-sparkly which she is sure I have (I really dont!). But my love of christmas lights stems from early childhood memories of our christmas tree. From opening the box (kept up in the loft) and unwinding them from their newspaper-roll, to seeing them glitter and glow pleasingly on the tree. It does not stop there - and it appears I'm not the only one! There are websites and museums online chronicling the life of the humble christmas light. How fascinating to see the difference in bulbs and lights through the years from 1900 to now! Some of them still work to this day - and how could you resist some of these and these on your tree? For now I'm going to indulge myself, just for tonight, by plugging the strings of lights, and tripping the light fantastic!

Currently Listening: Sarah McLachlan - River

*Ecologically friendly because we buy from a reputable retailer who plants two new trees for every one felled. This should be a pre-requisite for any tree you buy - and make sure it comes from reputable source!


Blogger Mimi said...

Oh, a kindred spirit! I love the smell of tinsel too! In fact, it was horrible, just horrible at work the other day, and when they bought out the box of decorations I just had to have a remedial sniff of the tinsel to feel better!

Love your idea for gingerbread men instead of -gulp- the dreaded house!

I have to say I am in my element at this time of year too-it must be all the sparkles and twinkles and crisp mornings and hearty food...and all of it!

Glad you are feeling a bit better!

Wednesday, 06 December, 2006  
Blogger Amy said...

oh no, it's not just you, I love Christmas lights too, when I was growing up we had some just like the ones in your photo - they were so pretty!

Thursday, 07 December, 2006  
Blogger Miss Robyn said...

I love Christmas lights - the inner child in me stands, mesmerized and I am always the first to jump out of the car when we go on our annual Christmas light trek into the city!

Thursday, 07 December, 2006  
Blogger Tea said...

Love the new look! I`m chicken to switch to Beta! I`m afraid it will lose something.
Can`t wait to get the tree up and turn the lights on too :)
Glad you`re feeling better!


Friday, 08 December, 2006  
Blogger Rowan said...

Sounds as though you are feeling much better, hope you are anyway. I love all the lights at this time of year too, they are just starting to go up round here and I look out for them and count the number of houses that are decorated! Mine will be starting this weekend, I'll get the tree later today and start the outside lights if the wind has dropped and the rain stopped. Wreaths for the front and back doors are a task for next week. Still have to go and cut berried holly from a tree up near the moors that I spotted in the autumn;)

Friday, 08 December, 2006  
Blogger Terri said...

The photos are beautiful.

Sunday, 10 December, 2006  

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Location: United Kingdom

An avid tea-drinker who likes Nutmeg in her coffee and warm lavender-scented quilts. She knits, crochets and partakes in random acts of craftiness (and kindness). She can often be found outside, in the garden with her faithful doggy companion, and a cup of tea. Reading is a pasttime that she enjoys muchly, so too is moving furniture around. She writes haiku about nettles, would like to swim with seals and become completely self-sufficient.

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